Every Action Has a Consequence

Irtaza Mehdi
3 min readFeb 3, 2021


As the wise ones say, you reap what you sow. What you put in is what you receive and what you believe is what you achieve. Everything we do in life is a proponent of what's to come as it plays a pivotal role in deciding the outcome of our future. Hence, take decisions wisely and don’t act with swiftness until the proper thinking and counseling has been achieved, always take advice from those you believe can offer you great insights. Taking advice from individuals who are trustworthy and reliable is the key to creating a great life, as one can learn from their experiences to enhance his/her own life. It is important to have confidence in yourself and make the decision, YOU WANT, have the proper vision and belief to fulfill your plans, but don’t mindlessly wander into something without taking heed to what others have advised you upon. Don’t follow the crowds, and don’t believe everything you see on social media or TV, it may seem like they are living the ultimate life, full of joy and happiness, and in this facade, an individual might get lured into making poor life choices. Rather, enhance your mindset and steer clear of all things which are meant to sway you from the truth into following that which is wrong.

The world is full of gems, but they’re all hidden within the fake ones. The fake ones shine bright, but they don’t have the depth of the real ones. Be mindful of what you consume, whether through media, through food, or through life experiences, an individual becomes what they fill their soul and mind with. Treat your body like the temple it is, which harbors the purest of gifts, your soul, and don’t put others down. Never speak about others with negativity because firstly, it is wrong to hate on others, and secondly, it will come right back at you in some fashion or another. If someone is being wrong, confront them directly and speak to them, don’t spread their actions around to others, what good is that, it is these little steps that cultivate the greatness we are able to acquire.

Don’t feed into illicit carnal desires, live with wisdom and grace, seek out the bounties of purity and find the foundation for greatness through this. An individual who chases after sex constantly becomes nothing but a shell of who they can be, as they’re putting their energy into space which is very sacred, be mindful of who you share the bed with because it is pivotal that the person next to you is taking care of themselves as a temple as well. Energy is a powerful force that can consume individuals if harbored in a negative manner, be very careful with who you acquaint with and how you spend your time.

Find individuals and mentors who help you grow, and bring out the best in you, don’t be afraid of being called out, if you surround yourself with the right individuals, then they are only looking out for you with the best of interest. Be very selective with this as friends have been the downfall of many, don’t let this be the case for you, make them one of the pillars for your success.

Live life with grace, with love, with strength, with humility, with humbleness, and become legendary. Trust in the plan the lord has for you, it is divine.



Irtaza Mehdi

“Victory comes through firm resolution and determination.” — Imam Ali (A.S.)