Belief in Oneself is Essential

Irtaza Mehdi
3 min readFeb 2, 2021

Believe in yourself because that is the best way to entrust your spirit with divinity and truth. The core of belief starts with knowing that the divine lord almighty has got your back no matter what, then stems the truth that you were created from such a powerful and abundant source. The divine created you for a purpose and a reason, to bring light on this earth and maximize your potential, there are always obstacles, but those who overcome them, know one thing and that is, they can accomplish anything they set out to. Know that you are amazing and a powerful being who should only take to life an approach that stems from inspiration and motivation rooted deep within the belief that you can accomplish anything. There is no stronger weapon than our mind, nurture it with care and strengthen it to its core with positivity and things which contribute to a great intellect, that is the answer and the way we will achieve our true potential.

Confidence is key, take time to nurture this skill as it will lead you to overcome anything which comes in your way. Be humble and confident, stray from arrogance as that is what leads to the demise of man. Arrogance and confidence are two different ballparks, arrogance is not open to any growth because it believes that it has all the answers, while confidence is that which is able to do what it takes while knowing that it can overcome anything. Confidence creates leaders and we are in dire need of individuals who are not only leaders of the community but of themselves because we live in a world of followers, we need people to step up and take their power back, to create a world of golden opportunity for our children's children's children.

Know that you were created for a purpose and are here to serve an eternal message which will reach the heavens and resonate with the angelic realms which encompass us, all it takes is you stepping into this role and fighting all the negativity which life tests us with. Be mindful and strong, be one who lives in their joy and doesn’t shy away from growth, because it might bring failure, as failure is the essence that leads towards success.

Be a force for good, and don’t give in to that which society might throw at you, know who you are and be the greatest to ever do it, there will only ever be the one you, so why shy away from that, step into it and embrace this role as it is quite literally a once n a lifetime opporutnity.

I love you and you are so amazing, you have power gifted by the divine, be more mindful and never stop growing, learn to live with love and seek out opportunity, don’t shy away from anything, you got this.



Irtaza Mehdi

“Victory comes through firm resolution and determination.” — Imam Ali (A.S.)